Thursday, August 7, 2008

Be thankful....

As I spent a good part of yesterday morning listening to Jamie complain about our again broken lawnmower, I tried to tell him to stop, think, and be thankful for all that we do have.. So, I made a mental list of my many blessings that I felt moved to share:
1- we have 2 beautiful, healthy kids.
2- we have each other
3- we have a fairly new house that is more than enough for us
4- we have 1 good and three average fish ponds
5- we have 4 goats
6- we have 1 rabbit
7- we have 6 hyper hunting pups running around and one not so hyper lab
8- we have the resources to feed all those animals and ourselves
9- we have 2 nice vehicles
10- we have Directv
11- 2 cell phones, 1 house phone
12- FAMILY nearby..
13- health for all of us (such as it is, but it could be worse)
14- awesome friends
15- a riding (but broke down) lawn mower..we could have to push all that grass!
16- decent jobs (most days!)
17- FAITH and PEACE!
18- a loving church family
19- both of my parents are still here with us.
20- Jamie's mom & step dad are still with us.
21- living next door to our kids' 82 year old Great Grandmother
22- more than enough clothes, toys, and food for all 4 of us
23- freedom to say and do what we want to do
24- the resources for me to start school THIS monday, whew!!
25- 3 new babies coming all around us, and NOT US!! thank goodness!

The list could go on and on.. My thought is: when you're down and out and think you have nothing, STOP and look around.. WE all have more than alot of people do.. Heck, we all sitting here blogging AT WORK and reading from a computer!! Have a great day, and take a minute to thank God for all the things that you DO have in your life! It's precious, regardless of how problematic you think it is today. Everything around you could be gone tomorrow!


Shelley and Such said...

AMEN Sista! I have the same problem with Wade, he can never see the bright side of things...always so NEGATIVE and complaining when things go wrong or break're right...BE THANKFUL! The list of what you DO have versus a list of what you DO NOT have would be no comparion.

Donielle said...

I agree with you both totally. We are all definitely blessed but unfortunately we sometimes tend to take it for granted. It's good to remind each other, heck even ourselves, of all that we have.