As directed by my editor, Shelley, I need to give a 'brief' version of events on Macy and why this pregancy for Mary and Jonathan is so critical.
Mary started at about 16 weeks with spotting and many troubles while carrying Macy. She was having placental troubles. It was tearing. If it wasn't one thing wrong, it was three! She was ordered to bedrest, which tended to help for a while, but not totally.
Around the first week of April 2007, Mary was admitted to RCH and later transported to Children's Hospital of the Kings Daughters for strict bedrest and closer monitoring. At this point, she was having contractions and lots of spotting. The goal was to stop the contractions totally. Worked for a few days, but then on April 11th, Jonathan came home to go to work and was called to quickly rush back to Norfolk. Mary's contractions had picked back up and they were rushing in for a Emergency C-section. Macy was only about 26 weeks gestation. NOT GOOD! That was the scariest phone call I've ever gotten. Well, Jonathan did just barely make it in time.. Then in the middle of the night, I get the next call-- "she made it, she cried SO loud when she came out!!"
The next 16 days were up and down. The Jenkins and Wentzy families traveled to Norfolk EVERY day. Someone was always with her. Imagine this-- YOUR newborn, sick child--you can't even rub her tiny back, much less hold her! They could only touch her gently with their finger tips. A rub would have been too painful for her small body. Well, on April 26 and in the wee hours of the 27th, they were allowed to hold their baby. The doctors told the family that God was going to take her, and Mary needed to hold her newborn in her arms. And she did! Sadly, early that Friday morning, April 27, 2007 at 16 days young, God came and took Macy.
This was something that I didn't think Mary would EVER recover from. There are still days that SHE doesn't think she'll get through. She was scared to death to get pregnant again. She still is scared. God just CAN'T take another child from her and Jonathan. She won't survive it again. Mary is a SUPER person and a huge character of strength and faith, but the loss of a child must be gigantic. I had heard from many people young and old, that the loss of a child was the hardest thing they've EVER been through. And I havne't first hand experienced it, but I think that would break me down!!
I think back to those days-- a year ago-- I, as a friend, have NEVER felt so helpless. I like to think of myself as a helper, a fixer, a doer! There was NOTHING I could say or do to help them. I could only listen and watch their hearts and worlds fall apart. I was at the house when she and Jonathan came home that Friday. What do I say? What do I do? Nothing. How do you comfort a mother that has just watched her tiny, young baby die? How do you comfort a father/husband that has just watched all this happen?
Just before Macy died, Jamie and I created and carried out The Macy Jenkins Golf Tournament. It was A HUGE success. This was the one thing that I didn't offer to do for them-I knew they'd so "no, we're fine!" We just did it. Their profit was outstanding--I won't give any numbers! We were shocked! All of us! It was a huge day for the families and to Honor Macy!
So, now at 10-11 weeks pregnant, I ask all of you to keep this family in your prayers EVERY day. For strength and health. They NEED this baby-- for many reasons.